Webinar for president-elect and president-nominee

Thursday, February 13, 2025 19:00-20:00, Online
Website: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aaEsIgp888DqHUeNI7fmQvRD4Tl5YOZTaj48gIb_pCVE1%40thread.tacv2/1735914561038?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2247f70cce-39c7-4372-b69c-3b3c17457fbc%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2204df0ce2-87bd-4d23-a105-529c0b79780f%22%7d

Organisator: Michael Willi, DICO 1980
Co-Organisator: Samuel Ineichen,  CICO 
Polaris Experten: Jan Trnka, Polaris Produkt Manager  /  Sergio Caneve, DICO 1980

Logging into Teams and the “meet the expert” room

The webinar is structured in such a way that participants can switch to the virtual room: meet the expert at any time during the live demonstration, where they can ask a Polaris expert their question. The following must be observed when logging into Teams: After accessing the link Webinar and logging into Teams, participants are automatically redirected to the breakout room “meet the expert”. The following screen appears:


Do reply to this with Later or Not Now. A button labeled “Enter room” will then appear at the top of the taskbar. This button makes it possible to switch to the expert room for questions during the webinar and to return to the webinar after answering them using the “Leave room” button.



  1. Introduction and Polaris Basics (20')
  2. The club's image on the Internet (10')
  3. The president's letter, a communication tool with style (10')
  4. Invitations to board meetings made easy with Polaris (10')

Procedure of the webinar:

The webinar is held in standard German, recorded and conducted without interruption. This means that the schedule can be adhered to and the recording can be optimally evaluated.

After the webinar, there will be time for a Q&A session.  

Improve your skills, enjoy the program the program and network your club

Your registration

Main participant


Registration until: Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Max. number of participants: 1000

Registration for the online seminar is not obligatory, but it allows us to optimize the event in terms of language, the function in the club and the additional topics you have expressed. These topics can be noted in the comments field.

Members: please login before registration.
Login before inscription   

Main participant

Your registration

Main participant